Cause Life is so short

Are Exercising to Burn Fat and Exercising to Burn Calories the Same Thing?

| Friday, May 9, 2008
Over the weekend, a really good friend was discussing how he "just can't seem to lose 2 kilos". He feels that it is fat weight and we discussed ways in which he can change his workout to optimize fat loss. This got me started thinking about how many different methods of fat loss and fads have come and gone over the many years that I have been a fitness instructor.

If there is one thing I have learned – exercising regularly over time will work to burn fat. The methods that work for each individual vary depending on the individual's weight, cardiovascular fitness level, activity level, metabolism, muscle development, size and even gender!

For all of us, though, if we eat more than our body requires – we either store it as fat or have to "burn it off".

The body at rest uses energy (calories) to power the organs, brain, cardiovascular system, immune system and skeletal muscle. In other words, all of the cells of the body require energy. The rate in which the body uses energy to function is known as the basal metabolic rate. There are two other areas of calorie requirements, one known as the thermic effect of eating (energy required to digest food) and the thermic effect of exercise.

So how does the body convert energy for use during exercise? There are 3 principle metabolic pathways, which are the ways in which the body produces Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). I promise not to go too technical here and risk boring you…

1. The ATP-PCr System

This is used during the first few seconds of exercise. Creatine phosphate (PCr) in the blood is used to produce ATP which powers the cells.

2. The Glycolytic System

Glycolysis means the breakdown of glucose. The body uses this system for the first few minutes of exercise. If the exercise is very intense (say sprinting), glucose in the blood is used without oxygen and the by product of this will be lactic acid. After a while, the lactic acid accumulates (the burning sensation in the muscle) and leads to muscle failure. This is known as anaerobic or fast glycolysis. If the exercise is less intense (jogging), glucose in the blood is used with oxygen to produce ATP and the by product will be pyruvate which then is used by the oxidative system below. This is known as aerobic or slow glycolysis.

3. The Oxidative System

This system is has 4 parts which I definitely won't go into except to give you the names: slow glycolysis (discussed above), the Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain and Beta Oxidation It is in this system, fats more than carbohydrates (glucose) are used to generate ATP. This process is called lipolysis. The fat produces more "energy" (ATP molecules), but also requires more oxygen.

What Does It All Mean?

In order to burn more fat, the intensity level must be kept at a level that is sustainable for long enough to move into the "fat burning zone" or Oxidative System.

Most people have about 2 hours of stored glycogen (glucose) in the muscle when exercising at moderate intensity. So it's safe to assume that unless you are running a marathon, you are using both stored glucose and fat when doing your aerobic training. This applies to whatever type of aerobic training you choose.Weight training, on the other hand, relies on stored available carbohydrate (glucose) because the short duration/high intensity of each lift doesn't call for the body to burn fat for fuel.

The argument that low intensity long duration exercise burns a greater percentage of calories from fat still stands. Example: a comparison of the calories expended by the same person walking for 1 hour and jogging for 1 hour reveals that the walking burns a much greater percentage of calories from fat although the overall calorie expenditure is lower.

In terms of just pure calorie consumption during exercise – the more oxygen you use the greater your calorie use. If we look at the Oxidative System which uses fat, but requires more oxygen to do, we can infer that working out at medium intensity for longer durations will burn more calories AND a higher percentage of fat.

The current thinking is that the more muscle groups engaged during the activity (example: aerobic dance with arms and legs), the harder the body works requiring more oxygen and more calories. Do it long enough, the body will burn a higher percentage of fat.

There's a lot of discussion about the "afterburn" or the thermic effect of exercise recovery. Yes, the body does burn energy to recover. A more intense workout requires more energy to recover – hence more calories burned after the workout.

There are many fitness programs that advocate interval aerobics for fat burning. There are just as many that advocate long duration aerobics for fat burning. I advocate a combination of the 2. Both will burn fat. Each has benefits beyond fat burning.

Interval training increases your cardiovascular strength, output, heart rate recovery and produces a stronger "afterburn".

Long duration trains the cardiovascular system to sustain an increased load for a longer period of time and teaches the body to convert fat to energy more efficiently for use during exercise (endurance).

Whatever aerobic activity a person does, the key is to keep doing it. Why? The more a person exercises, the more efficient the body becomes at converting and using available carbohydrate and fat. So… regular aerobic exercise over a long period of time is more important for fat and calorie burning than which method used.

Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

About The Author

Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and Personal Fitness Training. To see more articles by Ainsley visit

To Burn Fat, Try The Deadlift!

While this article will not instruct you how to perform a deadlift, it will make you very much aware of adding this powerful exercise to your arsenal, for effective fat-burning results!

The deadlift is quite possibly the biggest 'muscle working exercise' on the face of this planet. It engages pretty much every muscle in your body and therefore burns a large amount of energy into the bargain. What's more, it will send your metabolism sky rocketing after training, forcing you to burn a high number of calories between sessions. If you need to lose fat, THIS is the exercise to embrace!

Deadlifts are feared by many, but embraced by those that appreciate its power. There really is no reason to fear this exercise. For complete beginners, results can be achieved with minimal weight, simply by focusing on technique. As you become confident with the movement you can begin to add more weight to your bar or your dumbbells, and be assured that you are working your body in a time-effective manner that gives you good results.

The deadlift loads your spine, forcing your core muscles to engage and work hard. Too many people spend too long fixating on their abdominals and not nearly enough time working their spinal muscles. The beauty of the deadlift is that it works both - together.

This core loading will make your spinal support muscles stronger and do a lot to prevent or even start to cure lower back pain, provided that your technique is good. What's more, deadlifts will teach you the correct way to pick up heavy objects from the ground without 'doing your back in'. So you see, deadlifts are not just reserved for bodybuilders and powerlifters. They're are very useful for everyday living too.

Finally, deadlifts are a great way of instilling good posture into our 'desk-bound' lifestyles. They force your body to use muscles that desk-sitting cause to weaken. Some of the biggest muscles in your body - the glutes (buttocks), hamstrings (back of the thighs) and upper back muscles - all come into play with this exercise, the very muscles you need to be strong to hold your body up straight.

So, if you want effective fat burning and all-over body strengthening, embrace the deadlift with both hands and bring your fat burning to a new high!

About The Author

Simon Dainton is a Certified Personal Trainer and fat loss expert. Founder of Fitstreet Personal Training in the UK, his Programs of Lifestyle change guarantee clients results, combining effective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. For more information and to receive your FREE fat loss guide, go to

Acai Berry Superfood: Provides High Energy, Reduces The Signs Of Aging (anti –aging), Lowers Cholesterol, Kills Cancer Cells And Greatly Increases Hea

For many years, the Acai berry (ah-sah-ee) has been a well-kept secret of the Amazon rainforest and it has only been on the market for about the last 5 years. The rainforests of the Amazon are thought to hold the key to treating many ailments and common diseases, and for thousands of years the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region have known about the many health-enhancing benefits of the Acai berry.

The Acai berry grows wild on top of many palm trees that are native to the rainforests of Brazil and the Amazon basin. Local farmers in the area harvest the fruit of the tree, and it is used to make a healthful fruit pulp. This fruit pulp is then quickly frozen in order to preserve its nutrient value.

The Acai berry itself is a deep purple color, and it is quite rich in a number of important nutrients, including many of the most valuable antioxidant vitamins.

ENERGY, HEART HEALTH: The Acai berry will give you a high energy boost. It is also thought to have a significant impact on heart health, and on the health of the cardiovascular system. In particular, the Acai berry contains a very high concentration of compounds known as anthocyanins. These compounds are the same ones thought to be responsible for giving red wine its widely reported health benefits. However the Acai berry has 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins then does red wine.

LOWERS CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: In addition to these anthocyanins, Acai berries are known to contain large amounts of protein and fiber, as well as both omega-6, which lowers cholesterol levels and omega-9 fatty acids, which lowers LDL cholesterol levels and maintains natural HDL cholesterol levels. These omega fatty acids have been studied for years as a way to protect the heart from damage, and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby providing possible protection from heart attacks, strokes and other common cardiovascular complications.

These anthocyanins are known to have significant health benefits, and they are the subjects of many studies. Many people are looking for ways to capture the many health benefits that have been associated with the consumption of red wine, but without the calories and other negative consequences of red wine consumption. The rich, delicious fruit of the acai berry may be able to provide these important health benefits.

ANTI-AGING: Perhaps the most important health benefit of the acai berry, however, is its strong impact on the aging process. As a matter of fact, the acai berry is generally acknowledged to be one of the top superfoods for anti-aging. The amino acids and vital trace minerals found in the Acai berry aid in proper muscle contraction and regeneration, thereby slowing damaging effects to the skin that cause signs of aging. The fatty acid found in the Acai berry is similar to that of olive oil and is high in monounsaturated oleic acid. This fatty acid combined with Omega 3 fish oils penetrates cell membranes and makes them suppler. This allows for hormones, neurotransmitters and Insulin Receptors to operate more efficiently, which greatly reduces inflammation, inflammation being one of the leading causes of Aging.

HIGH IN ANTIOXIDANTS, DESTROY CANCER CELLS: The antioxidant benefits of the acai berry, combined with the fatty acids it contains, make this one of the most important superfoods on the market. The Acai berry is thought to have an antioxidant content which is a full 10 times greater than that found in grapes, and twice as high as those found in blueberries. As a matter of fact, the acai berry is widely acknowledged to have the highest nutritional value of any fruit in the world, and this has earned it the acai berry the title of superfood. These antioxidants destroy cancer cells. A study done by the University of Florida and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in January of 2006 did research that showed that the antioxidants in the Acai berry triggered a self-destruct response in 86% of the cultured Leukemia cancer cells tested.

Additional information: For such a tiny fruit, the Acai berry seems to have a great many heart healthy benefits, and the secret that has been part of Amazon culture for thousands of years is slowly spreading to the rest of the world. The Acai berry is a rich source of antioxidant vitamins, protein, fiber and heart protecting fatty acids, and it has an important role to play in protecting our good health.

Acai berries can be purchased whole and eaten as part of a healthy diet, but they are most often encountered in juice form. Acai berry juice is widely available both in health food stores and from many Internet retailers. As with other kinds of juice, it is important to ensure that the Acai berry juice you buy is made with 100% pure juice, and that it contains no artificial ingredients or added sugar.

As the popularity of the Acai berry continues to grow, and as its value to good health continues to get out, it is likely that this little purple fruit will become more widely available. In coming years, Acai berries are likely to be available at traditional grocery stores and supermarkets in addition to health food stores and Internet retailers.

When choosing between products made with the Acai berry, it is important to choose only the highest quality products, and to look for products that have been frozen quickly after harvest. How the Acai berries are handled after harvest can have a significant impact on their health benefits, so it is important to buy your Acai berry juice from those who use the best manufacturing methods.

About The Author

Petrea Dishman owns AHB offers savings on Physicians, Hospitalization, Accident Medical, Prescriptions, Dental, more. AHB's affiliate program offers Commissions, Monthly Residuals and Bonuses. Free to Join.

Prostate Cancer and the Amazing Da Vinci System

Unlike normal blog postings dealing with Choices, Ethics, and Consequences - my topics as a professional motivational speaker - it seemed appropriate today to speak of my complete recovery from prostate cancer hoping that it might help others who are faced with decisions on prostate cancer treatment.

Discovering I had prostate cancer at the age of 47 was almost an accident and certainly not something that in any way I expected. I had no symptoms - none whatsoever. In layman's terms, everything seemed to work fine. So the discovery of prostate cancer was quite accidental. It seems I had gone to my doctor simply requesting a pill (propecia - a drug to reduce hair loss). She required I have a blood test, as this drug would have an effect on my PSA. Frankly, all that was greek to I didn't know what PSA was and had never had it checked. I hated needles - had always said I was allergic to them - hence I avoided being stuck as much as I could. But on this day in November 2004 I decided to take the plunge - have my blood checked - and get the prescription.

Two days later I got a call while out of town saying that all the lab work was fine except that my PSA was a bit elevated - it was 4.58 and for someone my age that was high. My doctor referred me to a Urologist. The appointment was set.

Of course I had some concern, but after all, all the plumbing seem to work fine and I had no symptoms, so surely there was no problem. The Urologist's exam was routine - in fact he said he thought I had nothing to worry about as he felt nothing abnormal. But, to be on the safe side he schedule a biopsy. Being fearful of needles (and a biopsy is the ultimate needle) I asked if it would hurt. His response, "Most men don't really feel a thing." That was a lie! Looking back, I would have asked for good drugs as that was the most painful experience I can recall.

Several days following the biopsy I received the results. Prostate Cancer! I had a Gleason score of 6 and 30% of one side of my prostate was cancerous. My heart sank as I received the news. How could I, a 47 year old healthy male, with no other medical issues have prostate cancer? And, how amazing that it was caught by a simple test that my well versed female doctor required. Looking back, her diligence saved my life.

What next?

My local doctor wanted to schedule surgery immediately. He said I had four options: (1) Radical prostotectemy (traditional surgery); (2) Radiation; (3) Hormone therapy and/or (4) Watch and wait. Again, he recommended surgery. My immediate question was how many of the surgeries that he was suggesting did he do weekly or monthly. The number was low. In the back of my mind I thought, "Hum, maybe I need someone who isn't so surgery happy and who does this delicate removal frequently." I was like learning to play golf - I would prefer to learn from someone who plays daily than learn from a weekend hacker. Maybe that analogy seems harsh, but after all the decision made would have lasting and profound effects.

Following the meeting with the Urologist, and after telling my family (who thought I was joking), I spent some time in research. First thing I found - based on my diagnosis - I had time to consider carefully my options. Not that nothing should be done, but I didn't have to rush into any hasty decisions. Prostate cancer generally is slow in it's progression. CAUTION - do not use my experience as a crutch to avoid treatment (I witnessed my father-in-law die from complications from prostate cancer), rather, seek competent medical help in making your treatment decisions.

Options Considered:

Watch and wait. Well for several months I did just that. I researched - changed my diet - considered the possibility that I could reverse what existed and even reduce the cancer. I began a regiment of daily intake of cottage cheese and flax seed oil. For a short time I actually saw a decrease in my PSA; however, that was short lived. What I did learn was that diet was important - not only for general well being - but an effective tool in promoting a cancer free body. This was valuable time in that it gave me the opportunity to consider all my options.

Radiation Therapy. Not really an option for me. While I talked with a man in his late 60's to early 70's who had outstanding results using focused radiation (proton therapy I think it was called), the reality is - once you opt for radiation and the tissue is destroyed, if prostate cancer returns, it cannot be surgically removed. Hence the best advice I received was, in my case, this would not be a practical option. By the way information on proton treatment can be found at or at The people I talked with who had used this treatment were extremely pleased with the level of care they received and the overall outcome.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). In my search for the right treatment, I spent much time in considering this alternative. There were three practical objectives I wished to accomplish with whatever treatment I selected: (1) Cancer elimination, (2) Minimal issues with incontinence (preferably none) and (3) minimal issues with erectile function (again, preferably none). Based on my Gleason score and prostate cancer diagnosis, it seemed that this treatment would be viable. For research information visit As part of my consideration I met with Dr. George Suarez, Medical Director for USHifu. He reviewed my medical background and was kind in taking the time to discuss with me my options using this new prostate cancer treatment. Dr. Suarez took the time to explain all my options and how, if I elected, HIFU could be effective while meeting my three objectives. My only resistance was, at the time, it was not an option yet approved by the FDA in the United States, hence I would have to seek the treatment outside the scope of my medical insurance outside of the country. While I gave this serious consideration, I ultimately decided to go another route.

Radical Prostatectomy. All of the possibilities above, brought me back to the original suggestion - SURGERY. The issue I had was what kind and who would perform it. Since I had the time to research I discovered (through the wonder of the Internet) this, then, new procedure called a robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Hum...seemed that needed more study. Of course, at the time, Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute was recognized as one of the best in the world for prostate cancer research and study. After careful consideration I contacted Johns Hopkins inquiring about this seemingly new procedure - using the daVinci Surgical System.

The folks at Johns Hopkins could not have been more caring and helpful as I sought all my treatment options. Of course, they reviewed my file carefully and spent all the time I wanted and needed to evaluate my options. Dr. Li-Ming Su was my surgeon and my hat is off to him and his skill and patience. In the end, one thing was clear - all other options being equal - surgical removal was still the "gold standard" in the fight against prostate cancer. Likewise, it appeared that this robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy would meet my three objectives.

The surgery went fine - of course I don't remember a thing - so all I can base it on what the Doctor's report. Initially the report indicated that the cancer was contained in the prostate and the removal should yield me "cancer free." Of course this was to be confirmed later from lab reports. The first several days following surgery were not pleasant, but tolerable. Within three days, I boarded a plane and flew home to North Carolina - travel was not a big issue. The most discomforting thing following surgery was the catheter - which remained in for three weeks.

Outcome. Within four weeks following surgery I boarded a plane to Dallas, TX to begin a new job. My energy level was back and I had minimal incontinence isses with subsided within another three weeks. Within seven weeks of surgery incontinence was not an issue. Erecticle function returned within three months (with the aid of medication) and returned to full function (without medication) within twelve months.

Now it's been two years since surgery and all three objective have been achieved. Life is normal. I am cancer free. My sincere thanks to all who were there for me as I sought out the treatment that was right for me. I would not have the opportunity to function as a motivational speaker today if it were not for the skill and help of the fine folks at Johns Hopkins. While printing such personal items for all to read may seem (to some) out there! I feel that, perhaps, others who find themselves diagnosed with prostate cancer may learn from my experience. If you find this helpful, but still need to talk - please visit my web site: and contact me through that portal. I'll be happy to talk with you via e-mail or phone.

About The Author

Chuck Gallagher is an international speaker and author who shares his life experience in a way that is meaningful for his audiences. For information on Chuck’s presentations or how to subscribe to his free ezine...visit

Health Benefit of Green Tea: Cancer Prevention

There have already been numerous studies that prove that green tea helps protect drinkers against cancer. Statistics show that cancer rates are lower in countries where people regularly drink green tea. Research has shown that polyphenols are one source of the health benefit of green tea. Researchers believe that these substances found in green tea are influential in preventing the development of cancer.

Studies involving animal tests have shown that green tea reduces the formation of tumors for cancers of the skin, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, ovary cancer and prostate. The antioxidant activity in green tea has been reported to produce such results. Researchers are also of the belief that polyphenols are essential in destroying cancerous cells and stopping their progression.

Skin Cancer

Scientific research suggests that the main polyphenol in green tea, which is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and other green tea polyphenols possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. One study has been done on the health benefit of green tea on the skin. The study showed that drinking tea helps prevent the onset and growth of skin tumors.

Esophageal Cancer

Animal studies have also been conducted and they showed that green tea polyphenols help stop the growth of esophageal cancer cells. However, studies done on people have various results regarding the health benefit of green tea. One study showed that green tea consumption is an effective way to be protected from esophageal cancer, specifically among women. But another study showed that drinking green tea increased the risk of developing esophageal cancer. This shows that before green tea can be recommended for esophageal cancer prevention, more research has to be done.

Bladder Cancer

A few studies have been conducted on the health benefit of green tea on the human bladder. Research has been done to determine if there’s a connection between bladder cancer and consumption of green tea. One study revealed that women who drank green tea reduced their probability of developing bladder cancer. The study was followed with another one revealing that patients with bladder cancer, specifically men, who consumed green tea had a significantly improved chance of surviving compared to those who did not drink tea.

Pancreatic Cancer

Research has also been done on the health benefit of green tea on the pancreas. A study found that men and women who drank green tea had lesser chances of developing cancer in the pancreas. However, the study didn’t particularly point out that green tea was exclusively responsible for reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. Researchers still need further studies before they can start recommending green tea for pancreatic cancer prevention.

Ovarian Cancer

In China, a study was conducted on patients with ovarian cancer. It was observed that women who drank a cup of green tea a day were able to survive longer and lived the longest compared to women who did not drink tea at all.

Prostate Cancer

Green tea extracts have been shown in laboratory studies to prevent the development of prostate cancer cells in test tubes. A large study showed that people who drank green tea with increasing frequency, quantity and duration reduced their risk of developing prostate cancer.

About The Author

Patricia Hammond is an green tea enthusiast. Get her FREE 7-Day GREEN TEA eCourse at or visit her site at for more health tips on weight loss, sleeping disorder, and others.

An Amazing Cancer Remedy Discovered In Turkey

My search for a possible cancer cure began in late 2004 when I found out that my cousin and lifelong friend had been diagnosed as having stage-three melanoma. The cancer had appeared out of nowhere and so it was quite a shock to my cousin and everyone close to him.

As luck would have it, I had spent a lot of time the previous four years or so working on my dream of someday posting a website aimed at helping aging baby boomers and others live longer, healthier and happier lives. Naturally, a lot of my research involved searching for ways to ward off and treat diseases and ills such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney and liver disease, and so forth.

When I found out about my cousin, I began to redouble my efforts and focus my research more on cancer. I found a lot of very good information about fighting cancer and other diseases, boosting our immune systems and improving health in general. However, it was not my research that led me to finding out about the magical, miraculous oleander plant – it was a card game!

Yes, the way I first heard about the healing powers of oleander happened one evening when I was sitting down at a friendly card game and mentioned my cousin’s cancer. An acquaintance of mine whom I had known for a few years and who had worked for the American Medical Association at one time, looked across the table at me and, as serious as could be, said “I know a cure.” He then proceeded to tell me an amazing story of what he knew about oleander. Later, I found others who told me essentially the same basic story, although each person seemed to have a slightly different version. Although the versions I heard have differed somewhat, the basic story line I believe to be essentially correct is as follows:

In the early 1960's a Turkish doctor by the name of Huseyin Ziya Ozel was searching for a cure for his pet dog’s cancer when he noticed that a large number of Turkish villagers referred to him came from high altitudes and he thought that perhaps there was more to the story than just the higher incidence of skin cancer associated with higher altitudes:

In many versions of the story, Doctor Ozel was reported to have observed Turkish villagers drinking an oleander remedy, which pretty much correlates with the description of Oleander Leaf on the American Cancer Society website, where it states that Doctor Ozel started his study of oleander because of folk traditions that suggested that an extract from oleander was active against leukemia.

Further research showed that Nerium Oleander was most abundant in lower altitudes and practically did not exist at high altitude. Satisfied that he may have determined the cause of the villager’s good health, Doctor Ozel became intrigued with the plant and began to prepare and work with various extracts of Oleander himself in 1966 while he was the head of the surgical department at Mugla State Hospital of Turkey.

Doctor Ozel first conducted animal studies to determine that the substance was non-toxic and, once he determined the toxicology and effects of Nerium Oleander Extract (or NOE), he conducted further experiments and developed his treatment in various forms until he eventually started tests on terminal human cases.

After initial success in treating human cancer patients with NOE, Doctor Ozel began to discussing his findings with other professionals in his field. He sought analysis of the extract from various Turkish laboratories to understand the empirical results. They were unable to characterize the extracted compounds. In hope of gaining assistance from the government or research organizations, he prepared a paper to present his first human cases at the Fourth Balkanic Medical Days Symposium held in Ankara on 20 September 1973.

The cases presented were all considered terminal cases when the patients came to Doctor Ozel. By law, he could not treat patients with an experimental drug, such as NOE, unless they had exhausted all other conventional treatment methods with no response or were diagnosed as advanced stage, terminal cases. At the symposium he was able to call the attention of the scientific community to NOE and how the extract had shown to be efficacious on cancer cases of different varieties. He was sure that his presentation would trigger serious and abundant research on NOE, and that it finally could be put into service for mankind.

The response from the scientific community was less than overwhelming. The skepticism centered mainly on the fact that the presentation contradicted what little literature there was on oleander species. Clearly the results presented could not be explained as an extension of prior art but Turkish scientists strongly denied the facts that Doctor Ozel had presented without any further research. To conclude, the medical community was reluctant to accept the results. Doctor Ozel was undaunted by the criticism and lack of support for the ideas presented. He continued his research and patients continued to seek treatment.

In 1974, he published additional case reports in the Turkish Medical Journal “Dirim”. Doctor Ozel resigned from his position as Chief Doctor at Mugla State Hospital that same year in order to be able to work on NOE and initiate research on the subject,

Doctor Ozel contacted various universities in Istanbul. Years passed and he realized that no serious scientific research could be performed in any of the local universities. In the meantime, his old patients referred new ones to him, and more cancer patients presented to him as word of the results of the treatment spread.

In 1985 he started to look for research facilities abroad. During 1986-1987 some tests performed in Europe proved the effect of NOE on the immune system as well as cancer tumors. The studies showed that it was at least six times as potent as the most active commercially available immune-stimulants (Schizophylan, Krestin and Lentinan, which were patented by the Japanese in the 1980s).

In 1988, a research team was formed at Munich University Pharmacology Institute to isolate the active components contained in the N.O. extract. Several polysaccharides were identified that might be responsible for some part of the immune activity. On 17-22 July 1990, the initial results were presented as a poster at the symposium of Biology and Chemistry of Active Natural Substances (BACANS) which was held in Bonn, Germany. The presentation was published in Planta Medica 1990-56:66. However, no single component of the extract was found to be the sole source of its benefits. Instead, the activity is induced by a complex mixture of components contained in the extract, acting synergistically to modulate the immune system.

Since the early 1970’s, Doctor Ozel has been treating patients with advanced and inoperable cancer as well as a wide variety of other of illnesses. His results have been truly remarkable. In fact, so fantastic were the stories of his success that Doctor Ozel had to endure long periods of controversy from the Turkish medical establishment and there were those who tried to charge the good doctor with being a charlatan. Happily, the truth of his successes won out and such charges were dropped from consideration when his results were proven. Scores of patients rose up to defend the good doctor, testifying about how they had been cured when all other treatment options had failed.

The patented name of Doctor Ozel's oleander extract is Anvirzel™, whose trademark was once owned by Ozelle Pharmaceuticals, which was formed by Doctor Ozel’s son and other investors. Today, trademark rights are in dispute. Unfortunately, since Doctor Ozel had claimed that oleander was a cure for cancer, as opposed to a natural supplement, and since his extract was patented and given a trademark, the FDA now considers oleander as an unproven medicine which, because of the toxicity of the raw plant, must have it's safety and effectiveness proven before the FDA will allow it's use even as a herbal supplement, and so it is very difficult to obtain herbal supplements which contain oleander in the United States.

Today, the lengthy and costly three-phase FDA trial process for approval of Anvirzel™ or any other oleander extract, is far from over, although many people and millions of investor dollars are counting on it ultimately being approved. In 2000, Ozelle Pharmaceuticals had successful phase I FDA trials conducted on Anvirzel™, but subsequently ran into investor problems and had to reorganize. Although Ozelle continues to publish plans that it will soon begin phase II trials with Anvirzel™, such plans have not yet reached fruition and funding appears to continue to be a major problem for Ozelle.

In the interim, a competing company, Phoenix Biotech, also obtained a patent for Anvirzel™ in Honduras and has applied for a U.S. patent as well, and a clinic has been established in Honduras by the name of Salud Integral. For the past eight years, the clinic has successfully treated a number of patients, many of whom travel from the United States for initial diagnosis and treatment, as well as three-month supplies of Anvirzel™ for various cancers, hepatitis-C, psoriasis and other immune disorders.

Within just the past three years, a third competing company appeared by the name of Shimoda Atlantic Oncology Biosciences, and claimed to have developed its own oleander extract named Xenavex™ which it claimed was much stronger due to an ethanol extraction method. As it turned out, I and others exposed the company as a fraud that was created to cheat investors and the drug was actually a heart medication imported from Russia. Furthermore, although the imported Russian medicine does have slightly higher concentrations of oleandrin, the ethanol extraction method results in the loss of other compounds that researchers believe work together in a synergistic way to make oleander extract so powerful (over 500 trace compounds have been identified in an aqueous, or water, oleander extract, including vital long-chain polysaccharides that are lost in ethanol extraction methods because they precipitate out during the extraction process).

Sadly, I must report that it may be many years, if ever, before an oleander based medicine wins FDA approval. The simple fact is that it takes hundreds of millions of dollars to get a new drug successfully through all the FDA trials, and this pretty much bars competition to all but the very large pharmaceutical companies. Many feel that if the issue ever went to court, the patent itself would be hard to defend, since it is based on a common plant and a centuries-old folk remedy. Others feel that, because of the billions of dollars in profits at stake for the trillion-dollar world pharmaceutical industry and their myriad cancer treatments, no oleander medicine will ever be approved in the United States.

The best hope as of the time of this writing appears to be the development of an oleander based tablet by Phoenix Biotech which is reported to be have a much stronger concentration of oleandrin and the other cardiac glycosides while losing none of the other essential synergistic compounds. Only time will tell if a major pharmaceutical company with the requisite funds will pick up this new oleander product from Phoenix, shepherd it through FDA trials, and finally bring it to market.

The good news is that there is a home version that can be made right on the stovetop for only pennies! Stay tuned.

Live Long, Live Healthy, Live Happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" ( He manages "The Best Years in Life" website ( and is a featured author for Utopia Silver (

After the Cancer Diagnosis: How to Support Yourself and Your Spouse

Everyone is shocked when they first hear the word cancer. Some people may feel they know the test results before they hear them, but it's still a shock to hear the words spoken out loud. It's usually very difficult to hear or remember anything else after hearing that your loved one has cancer.

For many people, the first few weeks after diagnosis are the most difficult. After you hear the word cancer, you may have trouble listening to what is being said, and asking questions that you may have. When you are at home, you may have trouble thinking, eating, or sleeping. Remember, you are not always going to feel this way. We all struggle to figure out how and why this happened. What went wrong? We want answers, and it can make you crazy. Every cancer is different and there just aren't any answers.

You and your loved one will have many feelings after you hear the word cancer. These feelings can change from day-to-day, hour-to-hour, or even minute-to-minute. Some of the feelings you may both go through include:


Once you accept that your loved one has cancer, you may feel angry and scared. It is normal to ask Why us? and be angry at:

The cancer
Your healthy friends and loved ones
If you are religious, you might even be angry with God

Anger sometimes comes from feelings that are harder to show--such as fear, panic, frustration, anxiety, or helplessness. If you feel angry, don't pretend that everything is okay. Talk to someone about your anger. Most of the time, talking will help you feel better. A lot of times caregivers don't feel like they have the right to these feelings, that only the cancer patient does. Cancer definitely affects the entire family, and you must acknowledge these feelings and work through them, for everyone's sake.


The word 'cancer' frightens everyone I know! You may be afraid or worried about:

Taking care of your loved one
Taking care of your family
Paying your bills
Keeping your own job while taking care of your loved one
Losing your loved one

Most people feel better when they know what to expect. You will feel less afraid when you learn more about the specific kind of cancer and its read as much as you can and learn as much as you can about your loved one's cancer. Don't let the word cancer disempower you. Knowing the facts, and recommended treatments will reduce your fear, and make you a stronger partner for your loved one.


Your body may react to the stress and worry of your loved one's cancer. You can learn to handle stress in many ways, like:

Talking to people in the same situation as you are
Listening to music
Reading books, poems, or magazines
Relaxing or meditating
Talking about your feelings with family and close friends
Writing your feelings down in a journal to get further clarity around them

The key is to find ways to control stress and not to let it control you.

Lack of Control

When you first learn that your loved one has cancer, you may feel as if your life is out of control. You may feel this way because:

You are now focused on doctor visits and treatments
You feel helpless
You feel like you don't have time to do the things you normally do

Stay focused on what you can do, right now, to improve the situation. And remember, it won't always be this way.


You may find that your friends or friends don't know how to deal with your loved one's cancer and they may not ask about it or know what to say. You may not have the energy or focus to take part in the hobbies and activities you used to enjoy. And sometimes, even when you are with people you love and care about, you may feel that no one understands what you are going through as everyone is focused on your loved one.

Consider joining a support group or talking to a close friend or family member that understands. It always help to know that you are not alone.


Once you have accepted that your loved one has cancer, you will often feel a sense of hope. There are many reasons to feel hopeful.

People with cancer can (and do) lead active lives, even during treatment
Your chances of your loved one's living with--and living beyond--cancer are better now than they have ever been before Many doctors and most alternative practitioners think that hope may help the body deal with cancer. Scientists are looking at the question of whether a hopeful outlook and positive attitude helps people feel better. If you are hopeful, that will help your loved one be hopeful as well.

Here are some ways you can build your sense of hope:

Write down your hopeful feelings and talk about them with others
Plan your days as you usually have done
Don't limit the things you like to do
Consciously look for reasons to hope

You will experience so many feelings as you learn to live with your loved one's cancer diagnosis. It's OK to take time to mourn and let the diagnosis sink in. It may feel like a loss of freedom and safety, but it won't always be this way. Life moves forward, and your loved one's cancer becomes just one more thing in your life that you have to deal with. Once you tackle this cancer head on, there's nothing you can't do!

Copyright (c) 2007 Jayne Hutchinson

About The Author

Jayne Hutchinson was immersed into a new world after her husband was diagnosed with cancer. She found there was little information and support available for spouses and partners. She created the My Loved One Has Cancer web site to fill that gap.This web site features comprehensive resources and tools to make the cancer journey easier for the spouse or partner of a loved one with cancer.

Say Good-Bye to the Symptoms of Depression. Why a Natural Treatment is Right for You!

You have been sad for the past weeks, months, and possibly years. You don't know if what you are suffering is simply a bout of the blues or depression? Thousands of questions grip your mind and you feel like you have no place to turn (YOU DO!). Unfortunately, if you are suffering from depression, almost 10% of the population (18+ and older) is also dealing with the same disease. You are not alone and millions have cured the 'invisible disease' that haunts almost every aspect of one's life.

The first step is discovering if you suffer from depression? Take a look at the following depression test and keep track of how many symptoms or signs you relate with.

Symptoms of Depression:

Prolonged Sadness;
Feeling hopeless or worthless;
Difficulty in making decisions;
Concentration difficulties;
Loss of enjoyment from things that were once pleasurable;
Excessive sleep or insomnia;
Aches and pains;
Stomach or digestive problems;
Change in appetite (weight gain or loss);
Sexual dysfunctions; or
Suicidal thoughts (thoughts of death)

Typically, the two main trademarks of depression are: 1. Loss of enjoyment from things that were once pleasurable and 2. Prolonged Sadness (Depressed mood) that makes you feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and you may have crying spells. In addition, for a professional to diagnose depression, most of the listed symptoms must also be present for at least two weeks.

Why a Natural Treatment Might be Right for You!

At Barton Publishing Inc., we are serious about common illnesses and natural, holistic (whole body) ways of curing them. In fact, our team of researchers has been busy for literally months reading, documenting, interviewing and researching everything under the sun about depression! We have discovered why prescription depression medications will only hide the symptoms and NOT cure them (as well as have harsh side-effects). We have discovered a simple four-part natural cure called The Joy Equation, we are confident will treat any type of depression. In fact, I am so confident; I put our 100% no-risk, money-back guarantee on our Joy Equation Report which explains how to naturally cure depression. And finally, we are confident our natural cure WILL treat your depression symptoms for good! So let me ask you,

Are You Ready For A Serious, Legitimate, Natural And Affordable Depression Cure That Really Works And That's Based On Sound Research And Real World Experience?

Just imagine yourself bounding out of bed in the morning ready and even eager to face the day and whatever challenges it might bring.

Just imagine being filled with passion and love and truly, once again being able to enjoy the company of your friends, your family and your spouse or partner.

Just imagine saying goodbye to the stress and the expense of those side-effect laden depression pills... and regaining your true personality and your true self.

Just imagine finally being happy... and having the tools and the knowledge you need to stay happy even in the face of the toughest challenges.

Just imagine finally finding joy. Take a minute and check out our Joy Equation Website because life is too short to be depressed! I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

About The Author

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing, a natural health company specializing in educating people of safe, natural remedies. To see how you can have The Joy Equation sent to your computer in minutes,

Relieve Depression Naturally

Depression is a mood disorder that ranges from mild to severe. All of us have experienced a form of depression at some time in our lives. It can accompany loss, stress, unresolved anger, fear, shame, disappointment and other emotional dynamics that are a part of our life situation. Depression is experienced by children, adults, and elderly regardless of economic status, gender, or culture. Depression affects physical health, relationships, awareness, weight, memory, decision making ability, energy level, interest, and sleep. In addition to emotional experience, depression can result from diet, nutrition, and other physical biochemical origins.

In severe, special cases of depression associated with extreme mental disorder, synthetic, chemical based drugs called antidepressants are required and necessary for relief of depression. However, most of us do not fall into this category and too often these synthetic antidepressants are prescribed for us who suffer from common daily disappointments in our lives. For most common experiences of depression, antidepressants are not often necessary. Synthetic Antidepressants have been known to have some harmful side effects, prompting the FDA to recommend that manufacturers add this warning label to their products: "Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in short-term studies in children and adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of {insert established name} or any other antidepressant in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical need. Patients who are started on therapy should be observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidalty, or unusual changes in behavior".

This is not to suggest that ignoring the feelings of depression will make the feelings go away. Since depression can have physical biochemical origin and depression from emotional stress can cause biochemical change in the body, it would follow that common, not severe, depression would respond to clinically proven all natural remedies as vitamins, herbs, supplements, minerals, amino acids, aromatherapy, and all natural formulas designed to relieve the pain of depression. Other treatments e.g. psychotherapy, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, meditation also aid in the natural relief of depression.

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can trigger depression as well as depression decreasing the availability of vitamins and minerals essential for the maintaining our body's health. These vitamins and minerals include vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and trace minerals. Supplementing our bodies with these vitamins and minerals can relieve and perhaps prevent depression as well as greatly improving our health generally.

Adding amino acids to our diets can go a long way in relieving depression and promoting general health. For example, SAMe (S-Adensoyl-L-Methionine) is an amino acid that can be found in all cells of our body. It is a natural antidepressant that has additional value of protecting the liver and cardiovascular system, synthesis of natural melatonin that assists sleeping well. Phenylalanine is another amino acid that makes the neurotransmitter, i.e. substance that conducts messages to and within the brain, norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is diminished in the brains of people who are depressed. The amino acid L-Theanine naturally reduces anxiety associated with depression and is not addictive or habit forming. Another amino acid that naturally relieves depression and stimulates alertness is L-Tyrosine.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophane) is a naturally occurs in our bodies and helps the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Adequate amounts of serotonin is vital for a feeling and sense of emotional well being. 5-HTP can cross the blood brain barrier which makes it unique in the facilitation of serotonin. 5-HTP has gained a great reputation in the natural treatment of insomnia, depression and obesity.

For many people who suffer common depression, a effectively created herbal formula is very beneficial for the natural relief of depression. St. John's wort (hypericum perforaturn), commonly referred to as "Nature's Prozac", helps naturally relieve mild or moderate depression, stress, anxiety, and tension. Gingo biloba is used as an alternative treatment for moderate depression in elderly people because depression is an early sign of cognitive decline or cerebrovascular deficiency. Valerian root has a natural calming effect for anxiety and depression. Passionflower is an efficient natural sedative for calming and sleeping well. Black Cohosh, used by early Native Americans, soothes the body and reduces spasm. These are just a few of the examples of herbs and herbal formula that treat moderate depression effectively and naturally.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to moderate depression. A common treatment is natural progesterone for women. Other natural substances help balance hormones e.g. flax oil, black cohosh, dimpro, promensil, essential fatty acids, red clover, virtex berry and many other naturally derived supplements.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils and other natural aromatic compounds from plants to effect emotional and physical health The oils are referred to as "essential" because they are the "essence" of the plant. Olfactory sense has a powerful effect on our emotional and physical health. Aromatherapy can be used to alter mood, inspire confidence, ease moderate depression, and increase energetic feeling. In some nations essential oils are used for their antiseptic qualities to treat infection. In France, many aromatherapy essential oils are perceived in a similar way as prescription drugs are in the United States. Aromatherapy comes in many forms, e.g. essential oil, mists, sticks, candles, infusions, massage creams and oils, mineral bath formulas, and absolutes.

One on the most popular aromatherapy aromas is lavender. Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and helps in treating migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. Its refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness and increases mental activity. Lavender essential oil induces sleep and hence it is often recommended for insomnia. Lavender essential oil is also an excellent remedy for various types of pains including those caused by sore muscles, tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago.

In summary, many of us suffer mild to moderate depression for a variety of reasons. Our experience of depression is not so severe or of long duration to justify the use of powerful synthetic prescription drugs or antidepressant drugs with their potential of hazardous, harmful physical and behavioral side effects. We have available to us, a vast variety of effective, efficient, all natural vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, aromatherapy, hormonal balancers, and other safe natural modalities for relieving mild to moderate depression.

About The Author

Jennifer Kays has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. She provides the highest quality all natural health care products through

Natural Remedies For Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that causes pain and loss of movement of the joints. The word arthritis literally means joint inflammation (arth=joint, ritis=inflammation), and refers to more than 100 different diseases.

One Highly Effective Arthritis Remedy:

A good friend of the author’s successfully used the following regimen with 100% success to rid not only himself, but also friends and two other family members of various forms of arthritis:

1) Plant Minerals- minerals are the building blocks of the enzymes necessary for the utilization of all other vitamins, etc. (rock minerals are a waste of money since only 5-15% can be broken down by the body before being eliminated. Minerals already digested by plants are potentially 100% absorbable.)
2) Colloidal Gold - gold has even been used by mainstream medicine to treat severe Arthritis.
3) MSM, Glucosamine, Chondrotin, Collagen
4) Calcium with Ostivone
5) Colloidal Silver- some arthritis is believed to be viral related and colloidal silver is an extremely good anti-viral agent.

Since arthritis comes in so many different forms and since no two people are alike, what works for one person or one kind of arthritis may not work for another. Following are other remedies, treatments and information which have reported to have been effective with at least some people and some forms of arthritis:

Juices for arthritis:

* Black cherry juice is good for arthritis. Take two glasses of this juice twice a day (each glass contains four ounces of juice diluted with four ounces of water). You can discontinue this treatment once the pain clears up.
* People with rheumatoid arthritis should include in their daily diets juices high in the anti-inflammatory nutrients. These nutrients include beta-carotene (found in parsley, broccoli and spinach) and copper (found in carrots, apples and ginger).
* Rheumatoid arthritis improves with a glass or two a day of pineapple juice. Pineapple is a rich source of the enzyme bromelain, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Other Useful Juices:

* Carrot, celery, and cabbage juice. Add a little parsley.
* Potato juice (If you are not allergic to this.)
* Cherry juice.
* Take juice of half a lemon before every meal and before going to bed.
* Carrot, beet, and cucumber.
* During acute stage, one pint to one quart celery juice daily.
* Radish, garlic

Caution: Certain juices may cause adverse reactions in people with osteoarthritis. Avoid citrus fruits, and be careful with vegetables from the nightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Citrus seems to promote swelling, and nightshades contain psyllium alkaloids, which cause problems for some people.

The Gin and Raisins Remedy
(I know this sounds crazy – but I have personally spoken with several people who swear by it!)
* Put three shot glasses or small containers on your counter.
* In each shot glass, put 9 (not 8 or 10) golden raisins, not regular raisins.
* Pour just enough gin over them to just barely cover them (any kind of gin should do). By the 3rd day, the gin should be absorbed by the raisins.
* Eat the raisins from one shot glass, and set the glass up again with 9 more golden raisins, just barely covered with any kind of gin, and put the fresh glass at the end of the line.
* Each day, eat the 9 oldest raisins, then set it up again.
* Repeat until pain-free, usually 72 hours. It is truly amazing. And cheap!

Other Remedies

* Dilute five drops of essential oil of ginger in 20 drops of a carrier oil such as wheat germ or almond oil (available from health shops), and massage into painful areas. Remember that essential oils should never be taken internally.

* Glucosamine sulphate. This is a glucose-based chemical produced naturally in healthy joints, where it is used to repair and maintain cartilage, and seems to be effective in reducing arthritic pain, at least in mild to moderate cases. So far, no adverse side effects have been reported, but it is the subject of major clinical trials in the US, so we should soon know a great deal more.

* On an empty stomach take three to four walnuts or one fresh coconut.

* Mix equal parts of the following herbs: black cohosh, genitian root, angelica, colombo, scull cap, valerian, rue and buckthorn bark, and take one heaping teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Let steep, and drink three 1/2 cups per day.

* Alfalfa (Medicago saliva): Alfalfa is a folk remedy for arthritis in southern Appalachia. Alfalfa tea is rich with nutritive minerals. We recommend that you do not take the alfalfa powder; take the tea instead. Alfalfa contains 1-canavanine, an amino acid that can cause symptoms that are similar to those of systemic lupus, an autoimmune disease that can also cause joint pain. Some scientific studies show that these symptoms can occur in both animals and humans as a result of eating alfalfa. The amino acid is not present to any significant amount in alfalfa tea. Place 1 ounce of alfalfa in a pot. Cover with 1 quart of water and boil for thirty minutes. Strain and drink the quart throughout the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting again.

* Angelica (Angelica archangelica): Angelica is an herb that has been used in European folk medicine since antiquity. It can be used to treat arthritis. The Western variety of angelica has 12 anti-inflammatory constituents, ten antispasmodic (muscle relaxant) constituents, and five anodyne (pain-relieving) ones. The Chinese sometimes use their native variety of the plant (Angelica sinensis) for the same purpose. The Chinese species is sold in North America under the names dang gui or dong quai. Place 1 tablespoon of the cut roots of either species of angelica in 1 pint of water and bring to a boil. Cover and boil for two minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, until the water cools to room temperature. Strain and drink the tea in 3 doses during the day for two to three weeks at a time. Then, take a break for seven to ten days and start the treatment again if desired.

* Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa): An American Indian treatment for arthritis involved using the root of black cohosh. There are five species in the Cimicifuga genus worldwide that have been used to treat rheumatism. Black cohosh contains aspirin-like substances as well as other anti- inflammatory and antispasmodic constituents. Simmer 1 teaspoon of black cohosh root in 1 cup of boiling water for twenty minutes. Strain and drink the tea in 2 divided doses during the day. Do this for two to three weeks, and then take a break for seven to ten days before starting the treatment again.

* Devil's claw is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Take 1,000 milligrams (1 gram) twice daily.

* Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis. Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you like. (If you are pregnant or have cardiovascular disease consult your doctor before taking very hot baths.)

* Feverfew has been used for centuries for arthritis. Some studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effects of this herb are greater than those achieved by NSAIDs. Take 250 milligrams once or twice daily.

* Ginger (Zingiber officinale) In one study, Indian researchers gave three to seven grams of ginger a day to 18 people with osteoarthritis and 28 with rheumatoid arthritis. More than 75 percent of those participating in the study reported at least some relief from pain and swelling. Even after more than two years of taking these high doses of ginger, none of the people reported side effects. Many people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis. A ginger compress is also beneficial for arthritis.

* Licorice acts in the body like cortisone, without the harmful side-effects. Licorice is believed to enhance the action of bupleuri. Licorice also has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy activity. Licorice components are able to bind to glucocorticoid receptors on cells and exert glucocorticoid-like effects. It has been used historically in the treatment of inflammation, allergy, asthma and other conditions that put added stress on the adrenals. Long-term use of licorice can cause an elevation of blood pressure. Take 2 capsules daily.

* Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Oregano, is a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of oregano and other medicinal mints is due in large part to rosmarinic acid, a compound with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties.

* Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, helps prevent inflammation. Athletic trainers have been reportedly recommending pineapple to athletes to prevent and treat sports injuries. It is believed to have beneficial effect on arthritis also. Bromelain can help the body get rid of immune antigen complex, compounds that are implicated in some arthritic conditions. It also helps digest fibrin, another compound suspected of being involved in some types of arthritis.

* Red pepper, Cayenne pepper (Capsicum spp.) Red pepper interferes with pain perception. The pain-relieving chemical in red pepper, capsaicin, triggers the body to release endorphins, nature's own opiates. Red pepper also contains aspirin-like compounds known as salicylates. Compounds in red pepper can also help relieve arthritis when you apply the herb to the skin. Researchers have discovered that you'll get significant pain relief if you apply capsaicin cream directly to painful arthritic joints four times daily. In one study of this treatment, the capsaicin cream reduced RA pain by more than half. Osteoarthritis pain was reduced by about one-third. Place 1 ounce of cayenne pepper in 1 quart of rubbing alcohol (a poison not for internal use). Let stand for three weeks, shaking the bottle each day. Then, using a cloth, apply to the affected area during acute attacks of pain. Leave the solution in place for ten to twenty minutes, then wipe clean. You can also use an OTC cream that contain capsicum like Zostrix or Capzasin-P.

* Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica): Stinging nettle is an official remedy for rheumatism in Germany. It is the most important herb to consider for treating early- onset arthritis. Nettle juice contains an anti-inflammatory component similar to that of steroid drugs. It also nettle contains 47 parts per million of the mineral boron, figured on a dry-weight basis. Boron is an important mineral for arthritis. (The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation suggests that three milligrams of boron, taken daily, may be helpful in treating osteoarthritis and RA.) Directions: Take 1 tablespoon of nettle juice three times a day. You can freeze the juice for later.

* Turmeric (Curcumin, Curcuma longa) Curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric, has significant anti-inflammatory action. Curcumin has been shown to be as effective as cortisone or phenylbutazone in certain models of inflammation. Curcumin also exhibits many beneficial effects on liver functions. The typical dosage of curcumin is 400 to 600 mg 3 times daily. Curcumin is sometimes given in combination with an equal dose of an extract of the pineapple plant called bromelain, which appears to possess anti-inflammatory properties of its own.

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" ( He manages "The Best Years in Life" website ( and is a featured author for Utopia Silver (

5 Natural Stress Relief Techniques for Children

Is your child stressed out? Some people think only adults experience stress, but it affects our children too. Here's how to help your child manage their emotions.

We often view our kids as happy-go-lucky beings without a care. But children can also experience stress. Not only do they get anxious about things in their own young world--school, friends, peer pressure--but they also can be deeply affected by outside factors such as war, natural disasters and other unsettling world events.

In fact, the list of contributors to childhood stress can be quite long. Many stressors are the result of family problems, like divorce, a death or a parent's job loss but there are also less obvious triggers such as moving to a new city or the birth of a new sibling.

As a parent, you can become attuned to what's a normal amount of anxiety for your child and what is not. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, use the following tools to help your child handle it better.

Tuning into Anxiety Attack symptoms

1. Tune in to their moods.

Pay attention to your child's behavior. Take the time to talk to your child to get to the root of the problem. Ask questions like "How are you feeling?" "What's happening at school?" or "How are things with your friends?"

When you show concern for their problems and issues, it's reassuring to them and they'll be more responsive to that attention.

2. Watch the same shows they do.

If you have younger children, you certainly don't want them watching the doom and gloom of daily news shows. Children's minds are like sponges in they absorb almost everything they see or hear.

They are especially sensitive to negative energy, pain or suffering. Shows like the news can be traumatizing and anxiety-producing for younger children.

It's important to discuss with them what they've seen. You can't tell them that it's never going to happen to them but you can say,"We're going to do everything we can to protect you". It's also a good idea to let them know whom to call and what to do in case of an emergency.

3. Focus on the positive.

There is obviously no way a child can be shielded from a major trauma such as a death in the family, a house fire or a natural disaster. Instead, help children count their blessings. Comfort and reassure them by saying, "We're strong and we're going to make it." "And as difficult as it may be, try to maintain everyday routines.

For many young victims of floods or fire, for example, going back to school, even in another city, can help bring some normalcy back to their disrupted lives. What can also help is to make sure children have positive outlets like physical activity, going to the movies or spending time with friends.

4. Lead by example.

Children often learn to deal with stress by mimicking how you respond in challenging times. Even if you don't tell your child that you're about to be laid off from your job or that you're worried that your marriage is on the verge of breaking up, they can still pick up on your stress.

They may not understand the underlying causes but they can hear the strained tone and elevated volume of your voice,which gives them the message that something's going on that may affect them too.

That's why it's so important to show them good coping skills. If you light a cigarette, have a drink, or use foul language when you're under pressure, your little one may internalize that as a coping method.

Instead, model healthy behavior during difficult times, such as writing in a journal, de-stressing in a hot bath, sharing how you feel
without blaming, or taking a walk.

5. Instill confidence.

When children are young, there are times when you will have to come to their defense and help them handle tough situations. But as they get older, you also have to let them champion themselves, which builds their confidence in their ability to resolve problems on their own.

One of your missions as a parent is to know when to step in and when to stand back. Your response will depend on the child's temperament, maturity and the situation.

For example, your third grader may be able to confront a taunting classmate on their own, but a serious case of bullying may warrant your intervention.

Still, always make sure your child knows you've got their back. Tell them, "Try it on your own first,but if you need help,let me know and I'll be there."

To Your Great Life and Health...

About The Author

Michael Atma is an internationally known author, speaker & success coach. Known as the person to talk to when you're ready to enjoy massive results, Michael offers simple yet proven strategies to improve the quality of your life in just minutes. Michael's writing comes straight from the front line of good health and successful living

Michael Atma had helped thousands of people to enjoy the benefits of natural stress relief that meditation brings. Michael has developed "The Ultimate Relaxation Program" which includes his highly acclaimed stress relief CD – The Ultimate Relaxation!

FREE details:=>

Natural Remedy Succeeds Against Cancer And Hiv In South Africa

Years ago, when I first began research into the amazing oleander plant, I ended up as a member of two Yahoo Health Groups about oleander. One was named "Anvirzel" (after the patented Oleander medicine which had passed FDA phase 1 trials a few years earlier) and the other "Oleandersoup" (named for the home remedy version of the patented medicine). I became friends and acquaintances with many people close to oleander and Anvirzel, as well as some opponents - one of whom later came after me with hired thugs posing as US Marshalls after I helped expose his fake cancer drug scheme (but that will have to wait for another story).

One of the people I met was a noted South African humanitarian, entrepreneur, crusader and researcher named Marc Swanepoel. Mr. Swanepoel was keenly interested in the oleander plant due to the epidemic of HIV-AIDS in his native country as well as the number of indigent cancer patients who could not afford mainstream treatment options (which were largely ineffective anyway). Like several of us in the groups, Mr. Swanepoel began making his own oleander home remedy after the instructions were posted by Ed Hensley "The Father of Oleander Soup" and the first moderator of the Yahoo "Oleandersoup" group. Unlike the rest of us, Mr. Swanepoel took things a few steps further and he began searching the Brazilian Rain Forest and his native South Africa for other botanicals to combine with oleander.

After testing various combinations, Mr. Swanepoel settled on two similar botanical supplements which consisted of 80% oleander extract made exactly according to the oleander soup instructions. The first supplement was for HIV/AIDS patients and it added extracts of the agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) mushroom, cats claw, and pau de arco, while the second supplement, intended for cancer, substituted the relatively rare chrysobalanus icaco (red-tipped coco plum) for the pau de arco. All of the rain forest botanicals added to the oleander have their own histories of successful immune boosting and cancer fighting abilities, some dating back centuries among the indigenous Amazon peoples. I asked Marc why he used oleander for 80% or the mix and he confided that, as potent as the other botanicals were, he felt that oleander was by far the most effective botanical he had ever found.

Mr. Swanepoel soon selected a Brazilian manufacturing facility named Takesun do Brasil to make his supplements for him and he also licensed them to market his supplements around the world. Takesun is managed (or was) by a German PhD named George Otto (The Takesun website, a bit rough in the English version, can be found at - but I do NOT recommend that you buy any of their products at this time! I will just say that I believe that there are better and more reliable sources and that Marc Swanepoel agrees and leave it at that.)

Ultimately, the OPC product grew to be quite successful, especially in Dr. Otto's native Germany. So much so, that two clinic were built which used only the OPC and Agaricus products and Dr. Otto ended up moving back to Germany where plans are in the works for a hospital built around an oleander/agaricus protocol.

Meanwhile, in South Africa, Mr. Swanepoel returned to his native South Africa and made notable progress of his own - first getting the government to embrace the use of his oleander supplements for HIV and cancer and then getting it accepted by various doctors and clinics as well as gaining some support at the university level. Over the past three years, he and I have kept in touch and he has told me many times of the success his supplements have had in helping HIV and cancer patients, but I have too admit that I was somewhat remiss in digging a bit deeper and finding out the true scope of the success until the first part of this year when I asked Mr. Swanepoel how the patients in South Africa were faring and he reported back:

"Everything still ok here and cancer patients as well as HIV patients on the oleander mix are doing well. The medical doctor in Cape Town who is using the mix for all his cancer patients has continued to have good results. The oncologist where he sends his patients to (a woman) was so impressed with the results that she is now using it herself for prevention.

. . to date, the only patients that did NOT make it on the oleander mix were three patients with very advanced cancer that had metastasized to the liver and who had been on intensive chemo treatments. In my opinion, the effect of the chemo on the and liver and heart eventually led to failure of those organs."

Needless to say, I was very impressed with the news, but after thinking about it, I started to wonder "3 patients out of how many did not make it"? So, to try to get a better perspective I asked Marc in a follow up message and the response I received astounded me! Just when I thought I could not possibly be even more impressed with oleander, based on my research and first hand experience with oleander users including friends and members of my own family, I got this incredible message from Marc:

"Hi Tony,

"Approximately 350 HIV/AIDS patients have used it and about 80 cancer patients on a regular basis. Of the cancer patients, 5 arrived when they had about a week to 10 days to live and they were too weak to keep the mix down. They died without really being able to try the mix. 3 (the ones I mentioned to you) died of liver and heart failure. All the others are still alive, some now for nearly three years. One breast cancer patient who was given a few months to live eventually became the patient of the oncologist who is now also using the mix. She was declared free of cancer by the oncologist approximately 1 year ago and is still doing well. Others used it for a few months until their cancers were gone and we have not heard from them again. One patient with a festering hole of 1cm diameter on his nose (about half a cm deep) have been using it for three months after doctors were unable to cure the tumor with radiation. The hole is now half the size and not festering anymore. It should be healed in about 3 - 6 months. The doctor in Cape Town whose own wife had metastasized cancer to the bones, is now cancer free. She has been on overseas trips and lives a normal life."

Unfortunately, I do not have time to keep track of all the patients. They just collect the mix from me and phone me from time to time to say that they are doing well. It also seems to help for asthma, male impotence and diabetes. One advanced MS patient have now used it for 2 months and is reporting that it seems to help for the pain in her legs. All the distribution is happening by word of mouth and I don't advertise at all. I have had orders from the UK from people who had heard about the successes in South Africa. A documentary maker there was filming the progress of his wife on a weekly basis but, unfortunately, she was one of the liver complications. He still believes very firmly that the mix gave his wife an extra 5 months of high quality life."

I was almost dumbfounded to hear such news. 100% success on HIV and almost the same for cancers? I knew that oleander was almost always successful, but I had never really seen numbers like that before! If I had not known Mr. Swanepoel for years now and know his character and accomplishments I would have doubted such numbers myself - and I am maybe the number one oleander fan in the galaxy!

The numbers Mr. Swanepoelquote, mirror the results I am familiar with from around the world and in my own family, friends and health forum - especially those who combine a good diet and lifestyle and do not depend on oleander alone. For years, it has pretty much been used as a stand alone product. Marc, like myself, has recommended cleansing and de-toxing along with a very healthy diet and lifestyle to go along with the oleander. I take it a step further and recommend that other immune boosting and cancer fighting supplements also be used - not because I have any doubts in the magical powers of oleander, but because I think the more weapons in your arsenal, the more likely you are to win the battle and the war.

Recently, I received yet another update:

"Tony -

Since my last update to you when the total number of HIV/AIDS patients were about 350 and the total number of cancer patients were about 80, I have given the new mix to an additional 130 people with advanced AIDS and to a further 15 people with cancer. The people with AIDS, without exception, are doing fine and mostly resume their normal activities after 6 - 8 weeks. The son of the senior nurse at the clinic where I am doing my research was a case with advanced AIDS, badly swollen legs and barely walking with the aid of crutches. After 4 weeks, he does not need the crutches anymore and his mother reports that he is now singing in the morning. There are many similar cases and I have no doubt that the oleander mix can control HIV/AIDS better than the antiretrovirals.

I do not supply the mixture to many new cancer patients locally myself, but the doctor in Cape Town as well as two other people are regularly taking a total of at least 15 bottles of the mixture (500ml) from me every month for patients and friends who hear about it by word of mouth. The guy with the hole in the nose is now ok and the wound is nearly gone. He has brought another friend with a similar open cancerous wound on the nose that doctors have been unable to cure and he is taking the mix as well as an ointment that I make (ozonated olive oil mixed with the oleander). He has been taking it for 3 weeks and reports that he can already see a difference.

Two of the cancer patients who were in remission had recurrences of small tumours (but not in the same place as before). Against my advice, they had both stopped using the mix after their doctors had declared them clear of any tumours. As I mentioned to you before, I believe the cancer will always return UNLESS one changes the things that caused the cancer in the first place. The oleander and all other successful treatments allow one the breathing space to give effect to such changes.



As a final note: Mr. Swanepoel has recently began manufacturing his own OPC oleander supplement and, after a lengthy period of testing, also changed the formula to 80% oleander and 20% sutherlandia frutescens (the South Africa "Cancer Bush". He reports that the new addition does more than the other three combined ingredients in the other formulations. Mr. Swanepoel is in fact, doing a doctoral thesis based on the use of oleander in combination with s. frutescens that should be completed in a few months.

For those who would like to know a bit more about the South Africa "Cancer Bush", you can find a wealth of information at

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

About The Author

Tony Isaacs is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and "Collected Remedies" (

Reduce Your Cholesterol With Natural Vitamins

Because of the great efforts of the American Heart Association and other similar organizations, we have gained a lot of knowledge on cholesterol and its effects on our health. We know that high cholesterol levels increase our risk for heart attacks and strokes. We also know that lowering our cholesterol levels will reduce this risk and keep our hearts and blood vessels healthy. Additionally, we know that diet, weight loss, and exercise can help us lower our cholesterol levels. Prescription drugs that lower cholesterol have recently become available and advertised by pharmaceutical companies. However, these medications have some serious side effects including myopathy, reduction in CoQ10 levels, which can lead to heart disease, and rhabdomyaolysis, a rare, but fatal condition. Fortunately, there is a safe alternative to these prescription medications, pantethine and plant sterols, which are also known as phytosterols, are nature’s solution to high cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol, a soft, waxy, fat-like substance, is found in every cell of the body. It is needed to help digest fats, strengthen cell membranes, insulate nerves, and make hormones. Made primarily by the liver, our body makes all the cholesterol that we actually need, but we also get additional cholesterol from the foods that we eat. The highest sources of cholesterol are egg yolks and organ meats including liver and kidney. Peanut butter, avocado, and all other plant-derived foods contain no cholesterol. However, all foods from animal sources do contain cholesterol. Even though cholesterol is responsible for many important functions in the body, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can be very dangerous. Once blood cholesterol has reached high levels, it builds up on artery walls, and therefore increases the risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. Because the heart is a muscle, it needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. The bloodstream, which transports these nutrients to the heart through coronary arteries, cannot transport the oxygen if the arteries become narrowed or clogged by cholesterol and fat deposits. Depending on the severity, this can result in coronary heart disease, angina, or heart attack.

Because cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in the blood, they can’t travel on their own. Instead, they are transported to and from cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. There are two major lipoproteins: low density lipoproteins (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol, and high density lipoproteins (HDL) or “good” cholesterol. LDLs cause atherosclerosis because they clog up our arteries with the continual buildup of fat. On the other hand, HDL prevents fat buildup by carrying it away from the arteries to the liver, where it can be processed and eliminated.

Triglycerides, which are fats used as fuel by the body, can make the blood more sluggish and less capable of transporting oxygen when in high amounts. There are many medications prescribed by physicians for people with elevated triglyceride levels. Some of the most effective, and most harmful, are the statins. The all-natural combination of pantethine and plant sterols can safely lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol.

Pantethine, which is a form of pantothenic acid that is found in liver, salmon, and yeast, is known for its ability to lower cholesterol by blocking its production. The production of cholesterol in the human body is a very complex process, involving many biochemical reactions and enzyme activity. Pantethine inhibits several of these enzymes, blocking the activity of those coenzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis by about 50%. To compensate for the lowered cholesterol production, the liver pulls LDL out of the bloodstream, resulting in a lower total cholesterol level.

Plant sterols, which are the fats of plants, are found in nuts, vegetable oils, corn, and rice. They are structurally very similar to cholesterol and are therefore able to act as a stand in for cholesterol and block its absorption, causing it to be eventually excreted. If we eat enough plant sterols, the amount of cholesterol transported from the intestinal tract to the liver is greatly reduced. And, just like pantethine’s effect on the liver, this cholesterol reduction causes the liver to pull LDL cholesterol out of the blood, which reduces both total and LDL cholesterol levels.

Because the plant sterol and pantethine found in food just aren’t enough to have much of an effect on our health, we need to take a concentrated combination of pantethine and plant sterols in just the right ratio. Plant sterols, which are bound in fibers in the plants, can not be adequately consumed even if we ate lots of raw fruits and vegetables. There are also several forms of plant sterols, with some ratios of these plant sterols being more beneficial than others. While pantethine is found in several food sources, it is hard to get beneficial amounts from our food. Manufacturers of high quality nutritional supplements offer pantethine and plant sterols in the most beneficial ratio, proven by research. The best results are found when taking a combination of 400 mg of plant sterols and 200 mg of pantethine three times a day. Recent studies have shown that lowering cholesterol in people without heart disease can greatly reduce their risk for ever developing CHD, along with heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This is also true for those with high cholesterol levels and for those with average cholesterol levels. Most physicians would never consider prescribing statin drugs to people without actual heart disease or high cholesterol levels because of the many health risks of the drugs. However, the combination of pantethine and plant sterols are very effective in helping those people with heart disease, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, as well as those just wanting the extra health insurance for their hearts. Pantethine and plant sterols are both very safe. Although some people may experience a mild upset stomach when first taking pantethine, taking the combination of pantethine and plant sterols with meals can usually solve this problem. Pantethine and plant sterols are available at your local or internet vitamin store.

Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being

Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession dealing with body images, but in some cases can improve health and fitness. When weight loss is a result of eating healthy, exercising and/or taking natural weight loss supplements in contrast to synthetic prescription drugs with the risk of harmful side effects, weight loss can be effective, rewarding, and greatly improve overall health.

Extra weight, especially extra fat on a person's body, applies significantly increased stresses on the heart, joints and back. These stresses can be extremely detrimental to one's health. Healthy weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and other health problems, as well as generally extending an otherwise average life span. Recently, the scientific root cause or explanation of obesity has been revealed as being part of one's physiology. The internal functions of an obese person are different than those of a healthy person, and cause intense hunger pains and food cravings.

Natural weight loss supplements can help counteract this constant hunger and lead to healthy weight loss. Unbalanced hormones are a common cause of weight gain, therefore taking natural hormone balancers and herbal supplements would help to create a healthy weight loss regimen. Restoring your health allows you to lose weight naturally, without excess frustration and effort. It's all about losing weight from the inside out.

Emotional issues always accompany change, especially changes in our bodies e.g. natural weight loss. Weight loss affects our perception body image, our sense of identity i.e. who am I?, and how we feel about ourselves in general. Weight loss also effects our social relationships in that there may be people in our family or social contacts that are emotionally invested in our remaining the same i.e. overweight with all that it symbolizes e.g. friendliness, non-threatening, protective, jovial, helpful, etc. Beyond our physical health, it can be said that "size matters" cognitively and emotionally to ourselves and others. Eating and food have come to symbolize being accepted, being cared for and comfort. Having the support of others in our efforts to naturally lose weight and regain our health is a huge advantage.

We have been "conditioned" to fear any kind of loss, including weight loss. Especially if what we may lose is something with which we identify i.e. use to tell us who we are.

The emotions of fear, anger, anxiety and depression effect our weight. We often tend to "stuff our feelings" or numb these emotional feelings or stress by overeating. We may even overeat, thinking that will ease the physical discomfort caused by excess weight e.g. physical pain, lack of sleep, and lack of energy caused by moderate depression. To improve our overall health and support us through the process of natural weight loss and the emotional dynamics around it, we can take advantage of natural sleep aids, natural depression relief and natural pain relief health care products.

Our weight and health is greatly dependent upon our having a healthy digestive system or metabolism. Our digestive system converts, on a cellular and muscular level, the foods we eat, eliminates toxins, and uses and stores glucose for energy. Natural enzymes trigger hunger signals and facilitate absorption of nutrition. Good digestion with the help of natural enzymes aids in the conversion of fat to muscle.

Allergy and sensitivity to food, parasites, yeast overgrowth and emotional stress are signals of digestive disruption and inflammation. Natural essential fatty acids work to reduce intestinal inflammation, decrease harmful acids, help the liver process proteins that grow muscle, balance hormones and facilitate the elimination of toxins. Natural essential fatty acids help clear our digestive system of heavy metals, harmful bacteria, pesticides that we are increasingly encountering in our environment. Essential fatty acids along with natural fiber help us clean out the intestinal debris that harm our health and often lead to weight gain. Essential fatty acids also help our brain's neurotransmitters to function properly in order to deal with stress, emotions, and cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Natural amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins. Next to water, protein makes up the greatest part of our body weight. Amino acids help increase metabolism, build muscle, ease moderate depression, and help burn fat. Natural antioxidants help carry more oxygen to cells and muscles to help increase energy, burn fat, build muscle and process the foods we eat.

Hormone balance is essential for natural weight loss. Our metabolism slows as we get older because of the decrease or imbalance of hormones. This contributes to weight gain. Hormone balance also helps us deal with stress that leads to weight gain. Proper hormone balance helps to decrease cravings and binge eating. There are many natural hormone balancing products available, e.g. natural progesterone, promensil, soy isoflavones, essential fatty acids and hormone balancing formulas.

Our metabolism's primary task is to nourish our brains. We need healthy neurotransmitters to help us curb craving, ease depression, and deal with stress that lead to weight gain. Balancing our natural brain chemistry has a calming effect and allows us to feel a sens of well being and safety. There are many natural health care products to help balance brain chemistry, e.g. essential fatty acids, natural depression relief products, natural products to increase serotonin, and more. When our brain feels well and safe, it is prone to change our metabolism from calorie saving to calorie burning.

Our bodies were designed to move and be active. Movement requires muscle activity. Muscle activity uses the glycogen supply found in our muscles. When this glycogen supply stored in our muscles is used, our body is forced to use stored fat as an energy source. Using this stored fat through movement and exercise, results in natural weight loss. There is no reason for us to become athletes to accomplish natural weight loss. Low impact exercise like swimming, walking, etc, can be done slowly and without strain. In order to lose real weight rather than "water weight", it is important to drink extra amounts of water when exercising. Drinking more water will also help our digestive system and metabolism to use and eliminate extra weight.

Remember, the first objective, accomplished through natural weight loss, is to improve our physical and emotional health. This involves having a healthy digestive system, a healthy emotional system and a healthy nutritional system. We can build these healthy systems with natural vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, natural digestive aid, pain relief aid, natural sleep aids, natural emotional and mood aids, essential fatty acids and many more helpful natural health care products. We need to concentrate on improving our general health, feeling good, and living well through natural weight loss, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to someone else's idea about appearance from some magazine. Physical and emotional health is primary. Appearance may be important to us, but it is secondary. Through natural weight loss, we can live well and live long.